The founders of the IBEW understood six basic points about
the construction industry that they applied to their efforts
to organize a national union. Each of these principles is listed
below. Also, each point poses a question that we must answer
today, just as our founders had to answer it a century ago.
(Who will ORGANIZE the supply of skilled labor?)
- Construction is impossible without craft, skill and knowledge.
(Who will CONTROL the supply of skilled labor?)
- Construction employers generally lack the will and resources to train an adequate supply of skilled labor.
(Who will TRAIN the supply of skilled labor?)
- Construction is a boom-and-bust industry.
(Who will MAINTAIN and REFER the supply of skilled labor?)
- Construction employers come in many sizes.
(Who will CONTROL the small work in the jurisdiction?)
- Construction operates in a local market.
(Who will ORGANIZE and CONTROLthe local costruction market?)